Egg allergy symptoms and Egg allergy causes & Treatment

What is allergies?

Allergies are caused by the human body's rejection of certain substances. the immune system reacts against the substances, such as certain proteins in foods, and creates antibodies to dispose of them.

The body creates histamine for protection whenever you consume the substance again. 

Food allergies usually exist from birth and are quite common. studies estimate that around 3.9% of all children in the US suffer from them and more than half of them (2% of all) are allergic to eggs.

Egg allergies:

Egg allergies are often caused by certain proteins present in the egg white. however, in some cases, people may be allergic to both whites and yolks. let's look at everything you need to know about egg allergy.

Egg allergy symptoms

Causes of egg allergy:

Egg allergy is caused by the body's reaction to a protein known as albumin. the protein is usually present in egg whites, with the reaction towards the egg yolk being rarer. the exact cause behind this reaction towards albumin is not known, but experts believe that genetics could be a factor.

Egg allergies usually show up in young children, with most of the affected outgrowing the allergy by 16.

Along with genetics, having skin conditions such as eczema can increase the risk of food allergies in children.

Symptoms of egg allergy:

Egg allergy symptoms are similar to those of other food allergies, which means that you might have to deal with: 

•Rapid heartbeat

•Skin conditions such as hives, eczema or swelling 

•Stomach pain diarrhea nausea or vomiting

•Runny or stuffy nose

•Trouble breathing


•Anaphylactic shock in very rare cases

The skin conditions are usually exclusive to children while adults may face additional symptoms, such as:

•Eyelid or lip swelling

•Watery and itchy eyes

•Itchy throat or ears.

Prevention and Treatment:

Experts recommend avoiding eggs altogether if you have an allergy to them, even if it's just the whites responsible for the reaction.

However, this can be quite difficult as eggs are a key ingredient in many food items, from pasta to several types of bread.

You need to be extra careful and check the ingredients for whatever you buy.

Besides eggs themselves what you need to look out for is egg protein which could be labeled as:

1. Simplis

2. Vitalin

3. Lecithin

5. Leviton

6. Albumin

7. Globulin

8. Ingredients starting with "ovo" or "ova".

Mild allergic reactions may be treated with antihistamines, while severe ones will require epinephrine.

Make sure to discuss this with your doctor in detail to be prepared for reactions. any reactions need to be treated immediately, especially if they occur in children. 

Thank you...

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